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GSF’s Director of Corporate Food Safety and Quality Featured in FoodSafety Magazine

Golden State Foods

This week, FoodSafety Magazine published an article titled, “Social Responsibility’s Influence over Food Safety and Quality” which was bylined by Wendy White, GSF’s Director of Corporate Food Safety and Quality. The article focuses on food insecurity vs. expiration dates, animal welfare’s contribution to quality, and water conservation decreasing facility microflora.

“The concept of social responsibility has saturated social media over the last few years and crept into the organizational pillars of many corporations. In its infancy, green/responsibility initiatives were often placed with the quality leaders, although today, many large companies have separate corporate social responsibility (CSR) departments. CSR encompass a variety of facets: environmental conservation, community outreach/volunteerism, sustainable sourcing/animal welfare, good labor practices, etc. There are several examples of common social pursuits directly influencing food safety and quality objectives…”

To read the full article, click here: FoodSafety Magazine 

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