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GSF Leaders Share Insights and Expertise During Speaking Engagements This Fall

Golden State Foods

Updated: Dec 15, 2022

November 29, 2021

GSF leaders have engaged in sharing valuable insights and professional expertise through various speaking opportunities for industry events and conferences in recent months. As a leading supplier to iconic foodservice brands worldwide, Golden State Foods encourages associates to increase visibility of the innovative initiatives and continued learning that shape GSF’s culture and benefits all industry stakeholders.

On October 8, The Arkansas University’s Blockchain Center of Excellence presented a virtual conference with GSF Chief Technology Officer Guilda Javaheri and two professors on the “Blockchain for Business” panel, discussing how blockchain and other enabling technologies (like IoT and RFID) can improve food quality and safety. Addressing standards, process redesign, scalability, culture, and educating executive leadership, she shared GSF’s Protein Products use case and learnings about the unique challenges that foodservice companies face in making these blockchain-enabled digital ecosystems a reality.

During its mid-October Virtual Annual Meeting, the Association for Corporate Counsel (ACC) featured GSF’s Senior Corporate Vice President, Chief Corporate Social Responsibility and Legal Officer, John Page, during a keynote panel on “Diversity & the Board – Lessons Learned from the ACC Experience.” He previously served as Chair of the Board of Directors for ACC, which includes legal teams from Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, and McDonald’s among its global membership.

On the topic of “Global Food Supply Chain and Food Traceability,” Bob Wolpert, GSF’s Corporate Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, spoke on a panel during the 9th Annual Global Supply Chain Excellence Summit in mid-October at the University of Southern California Randall R. Kendrick Global Supply Chain Institute. He joined supply chain leaders from Blaze Pizza, Starbucks, Persequor and FoodLogiQ on the panel, which included expertise from several food supply chain areas like manufacturing and distribution, restaurant operations, and solution providers.

Also in mid-October, Texas A&M University’s King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management held its 18th Annual Holt Cat® Symposium on Excellence in Ranch Management as a hybrid event. Focusing on the future of sustainable ranching, the 2021 Symposium offered presentations by numerous industry leaders, including Dr. Wayne Morgan, GSF’s Corporate Vice President and President, Protein Products and Operations Support Services. His remarks on “Sustainability: It is Real and it Really Matters,” complemented key Symposium topics, such as animal welfare, carbon and methane, ecosystem services associated with ranching, regenerative agriculture, and ranch metrics for assessing environmental soundness, influencing social acceptance, and measuring economic viability.

Mariana Manole, GSF’s Group Vice President of Quality, Food Safety, Regulatory Affairs – Global Liquid Products, participated in a live Lunch & Learn Roundtable in mid-November as part of the virtual American Food Manufacturing Summit. She connected with attendees during an informal discussion on the topic of “Developing a Golden Standard in Food Safety Culture.” Additionally, John Page joined the Diversity and Inclusion panel discussion to provide thought leadership and insights into GSF’s people-focused culture.

On November 15, GSF Corporate Vice President and Chief Information Officer Carol Fawcett spoke to California State University, Fullerton students about personal branding during a training workshop at the inaugural CulitvateHER Conference. Along with women business leaders from Public Storage, Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar, and several other Orange County-based companies, she imparted her knowledge and talked about her experiences with women’s leadership, unique career opportunities, and professional advancement.

#womensleadership #DrWayneMorgan #SustainabilityItisRealanditReallyMatters #AmericanFoodManufacturingSummit #BobWolpert #GuildaJavaheri #Persequor #ArkansasUniversity039sBlockchainCenter #Starbucks #TexasAampMUniversitysKingRanchInstituteforRanchManagement #UniversityofSouthernCaliforniaRandallRKendrickGlobalSupplyChainInstitute #GlobalFoodSupplyChainandFoodTraceability #andprofessionaladvancement #CaliforniaStateUniversity #ChickfilA #18thAnnualHoltCatSymposium #uniquecareeropportunities #MarianaManole #AssociationforCorporateCounselACC #DevelopingaGoldenStandardinFoodSafetyCulture #JohnPage #CarolFawcett #BlockchainforBusiness #Fullerton #McDonalds #GSFLeadersShareInsights #9thAnnualGlobalSupplyChainExcellenceSummit #BlazePizza #FoodLogiQ #DiversityamptheBoardLessonsLearnedfromtheACCExperience

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